I have been practicing yoga for 14 years and teaching for 10 years. In 2018, I found myself in one of the most challenging years of my life. I took a step back from teaching and lost my personal practice for awhile. Eventually, my life became unmanageable and I was looking for support. As I considered my options, I came across a program called Hunger, Hope, and Healing founded by Sarahjoy Marsh. Sarahjoy was one of my teachers during my initial 200hr yoga teacher training and I had attended a few of her workshops. Because of the pandemic, her offerings were now online. I was overjoyed and immediately signed up for Hunger, Hope, and Healing, a women's wellness program for disordered eating based in the teachings of yoga.

As I began to find my personal practice again, I was reminded of the stability, insight, groundedness, and peace that is yoga. I signed up for Sarahjoy's yoga psychology program and then her yoga therapy program. I remembered the importance of having mentors and community with shared goals and ideas. Over the last two years, I have felt myself becoming whole again.

With every cell of my being, it is my belief that in order to fully address our emotional well-being, the body must be included in the process. This blog serves as a reminder to myself to cherish yoga in my personal life and share what I know with the intention of contributing to the greater good.