My life in tidbits since 2016-
Moved to a small town in Florida.
Husband retired from the Air Force unprepared for life outside of the military; the military system is not set up for this.
Kids move from homeschool to public school.
Finally, we felt like we were getting settled and Ken was ready to start a job outside of the military.
Hurricane Michael came on the first day of Ken’s new job.
Our town was basically destroyed and our house was damaged.
The kids and I went to Chicago to live for several months while Ken rented a room and started his job.
After 4 months or so in Chicago, we went back to Florida and stayed in two different rentals two hours away from our home so I could supervise the work on our house.
During this time, I was high-functioning regarding life’s duties, while at the same time experiencing emotional pain, burnout, loneliness, and a general sense of internal uneasiness and disconnection.
My yoga practice and teaching fell to the wayside.
As I began to find my yoga practice again, I started to heal. My body remembered the grounding, connection, openness, resilience, and buoyancy a yoga practice cultivates and supports.
Yoga therapy offers a personal practice focusing on emotional and physical needs.
A practice offering stability that is frequently lost during life transitions.
While I am finishing up my practicum hours, I am offering 5 one hour sessions for $200. I have two openings left. I can be reached via email and text 850-340-3633.
With love and kindness-